The latest OUV product and online quality flags

Latest product: O3MOUV_L3_20250305_v02p02.HDF5

Offline UV product contains 15 sub-products illustrated below.

OUV sub-products:

Weighting Daily dose [kJ/m2] Daily maximum dose rate [mW/m2]

Also known as erythemal weighting. Measures the reddening of the skin due to sunburn.
Daily dose figure Daily maximum dose figure

Measures the ability of UV irradiance to cause damage to unprotected DNA.
Daily dose figure Daily maximum dose figure

Measures the generalized response of plants to UV irradiance.
Daily dose figure Daily maximum dose figure

Measures the formation of vitamin D in human skin.
Daily dose figure Daily maximum dose figure

Indicates the amount of integrated UVA radiation (315-400 nm).
Daily dose figure Daily maximum dose figure

Indicates the amount of integrated UVB radiation (280-315 nm).
Daily dose figure Daily maximum dose figure

Solar Noon UV Index Description
Solar noon UV index UV index values are for local noon. Protection from the solar UV radiation is required when the UV index is 3 or higher.

Daily maximum j(O1D) Description
Daily maximum JO1D j(O1D) is the rate constant for the photolysis of ozone.

Daily maximum j(NO2) Description
Daily maximum JNO2 j(NO2) is the rate constant for the photolysis of nitrogen dioxide.

The quality flags that indicate various reasos for reduced data quality are illustrated below. More information of the quality flags can be found from the OUV Product User Manual (Table 5.6 on page 14).

Online quality flags:

Missing data Low quality Medium quality
Missing data flag Low quality flag Medium quality flag
Inhomogeneous surface Polar night Low Sun
Inhomogeneous surface flag Polar night flag Low Sun flag
Out-of-range input data No cloud data Poor diurnal clouds
Out of range input data flag No cloud data flag Poor diurnal clouds flag
Thick clouds Albedo climatology Look-up table overflow
Thick clouds flag Albedo climatology flag Look-up table overflow flag
Number of
AM cloud observations
Number of
PM cloud observations
Hours between noon
and cloud observation
Number of am clouds obs. Number of pm clouds obs. Hours between noon and cloud obs.