Offline absorbing aerosol index from PMDs
Absorbing aerosol index from the Polarisation Measurement Detectors indicates the presence of elevated absorbing aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere. The aerosol types that are mostly seen are desert dust and aerosols from biomass burning and volcanic eruption events. Scattering Aerosol Index is reported as a negative residue in the product.
Offline. The products are available to users in two weeks from sensing. Usual delay is 2-3 days.
Theoretical basis
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) measures the radiance spectrum of sunlight scattered from the atmosphere. ARP/AAI product is derived from the reflectances measured by GOME-2 at 338 nm and 381 nm.
The AAI processor is integrated part of the AC SAF processing at KNMI. The algorithm calculates a ”residue” by using the contrast between the two wavelengths. When the surface albedo is assumed to be constant over the spectral range of the two selected wavelengths, and when the total ozone column is given, all deviations from a fully Rayleigh scattering atmosphere are assumed to be caused by absorbing aerosols. Note that scattering aerosols will be accounted for via an increased surface albedo. The total ozone column needed for the calculation is derived from the ozone climatology or sonde profile, which is selected by the user in the configuration file.
Units and spatial resolution
Absorbing aerosol index from PMD's is a unitless linear scale, with higher values indicating elevated amount of aerosols present in the atmosphere. Spatial resolution of the product is equal to the spatial resolution of the small field-of-view PMD detector of the GOME-2 instrument: 5 km x 40 km for Metop-A and 10 km x 40 km for Metop-B.
This product is validated by KNMI. Validation is based on satellite-to-satellite comparison: GOME-2 AAI product is compared with OMI-TOMS (EOS Aura) and SCIAMACHY (Envisat) AAI products.
Archiving and dissemination
This product is archived at the FMI and available via offline data access page.
File format
This product is delivered in HDF5 format, each file containing one satellite orbit. The size of a single product file is about 6 MB.
Algorithm version information
Time period | GOME-2/Metop-A | GOME-2/Metop-B | GOME-2/Metop-C |
until 15/07/2013 | 0.06 | N.A. | N.A. |
15/07/2013 - 23/02/2015 | 0.06 | 0.06 | N.A. |
23/02/2015 - 28/05/2015 | 0.07 | 0.07 | N.A. |
28/05/2015 - 16/11/2015 | 1.00 | 1.00 | N.A. |
16/11/2015 - 13/08/2018 | 1.01 | 1.01 | N.A. |
13/08/2018 - 19/11/2018 | 1.20 | 1.20 | N.A. |
19/11/2018 - 14/01/2019 | 1.30 | 1.30 | N.A. |
14/01/2019 - 31/01/2019 | 1.31 | 1.31 | N.A. |
01/02/2019 - 17/08/2020 | 1.32 | 1.32 | N.A. |
18/08/2020 - 19.05.2021 | 1.32 | 1.32 | 1.32 |
19/05/2021 - 15/11/2021 | 1.40 | 1.40 | 1.40 |
16/11/2021 - 29/04/2024 | N.A. | 1.40 | 1.40 |
30/04/2024 onwards | N.A. | 1.50 | 1.50 |
Important algorithm changes in 1.50
- Use of DLER v4
- Code updates due to compiler version updates
- Preparations for AAI version 3
- Adding SurfaceAlbedo, CloudHeight and Alpha to AAI output product