European surface UV radiation (EUV) product and data record (demonstrational)
Demonstrational status means that the product is available to the users but it hasn't been officially reviewed nor released and thus, the documentation and/or the full validation results may be missing. The user feedback, comments and evaluations are highly appreciated during the demonstrational period and that information will be used either in the further development of the product or directly in the final review and release process if the product is mature enough from the users' point of view.
European surface UV radiation product covers Europe and combines total column ozone measurements from the GOME-2 instrument on the polar orbiting Metop satellites with cloud optical depth retrievals from the geostationary Meteosat satellites.
Offline product and data record
Satellites and instruments
- Total ozone:
- Offline product: GOME-2 merged from Metop-A/B/C
- Data record: ERA5
- Cloud optical depth: SEVIRI/Meteosat
Algorithm version
Time period
- Data record: 19/01/2004 - 31/12/2023, with an extension up to 11/05/2024
- Offline product: 11/05/2024 - present
Spatial resolution
- Geostationary projection of the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat satellites
- UV Index (UVI) [dimensionless]
- Erythemal daily dose [kJ/m2]
File size (depends on solar illumination)
- UVI: < 2.5 MB
- Erythemal daily dose: < 4 MB
File format
- Offline (real-time) product
- Data record
- Or contact helpdesk for direct S3 access
Validation pagesUVI time evolution during 09/03/2025.